Helping you create memories that will last a lifetime for the children in your life.

Playhouse Flower Boxes
Playhouse Products sells flower boxes, cupolas, and shutters, because we know they really add that something special to a playhouse design. We have flower boxes in a full variety of colors so you can really add a distinctive finish to your DIY playhouse project.
Window boxes or flower boxes add a cozy cottage look to your child's playhouse. When choosing accent colors for your flower boxes try to coordinate the colors with the accent colors you have used for your home if your home is nearby, so the overall look is pulled together.
We have included some photos of the stock flower boxes our customers have chosen and also their customized finishes added to our stock flower boxes to inspire you with your next DIY project.
Playhouse Cupolas
Ever since the cupola was introduced, it has found a comfortable and decorative resting place on top of many family garages, but also adds a wonderful finishing touch to your child's playhouse. Cupolas can add a finishing touch that will always create more charm for your playhouse project. A cupola can be a crowning touch all by itself, but it can also be the mounting point for a unique weathervane or rooftop finial, which can serve as an attractive centerpiece for your child's playhouse.
Cupolas typically have three parts: the base, the vents and the cap. The size of the base is determined by the slope or pitch of the playhouse roof. In the middle, the vents can be windows or slats designed to let light or air pass through. Screens can be added to keep out insects and animals. The caps of cupolas are often topped with a finial or weathervane, and they are usually designed to have a square, octagonal, bell-like or other distinctive geometric shape. Adding a cupola to your child's playhouse gives it that final magical and memorable look.

Playhouse Shutters
Playhouse Products sells shutters because we know they really add that something special to a playhouse. We have shutters in a full variety of colors so you can really add a distinctive finish to your DIY playhouse project.
Window shutters add a cozy cottage look to your child's playhouse. When choosing accent colors for your shutters try to coordinate the colors with the accent colors you have used for your home if your home is nearby, so the overall look is pulled together.